TabletKiosk eo i7210 UltraMobile PC InkShow!

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GottaBeMobile has GottaBeCommended for another fantastic InkShow! This time Mr. Dennis Rice, and his cinematographer wife, take to VLOGGING duties for the team. What I like most about these events is the shear anticipation and excitement in the air.

The irony for me is that my EO i7210 sat in my office for the last week untouched. I had to travel interstate and I was unable to even open the box until AFTER watching this GottaBe InkShow.

Sit back, grab some pop corn and enjoy this Unboxing event by Dennis Rice.


The TabletKiosk eo i7210 Ultra-Mobile PC!

Yes — its arrived, and caught me quite unready to do my job as trusty scoop reporter at My video camera was out for repair, so a quick IM message to my neighbor Eddie Vanderbeck to borrow a camera solved that (nice to have tecchie neighbors). Then I needed a cameraman, but what I got was a camera”woman”! My poor wife got roped into using technology, which by the way is typically left up to me in this household (or maybe I just never let any of the others get a chance, not sure which!), and ran the camera for me in a hastily planned production! I had clients call needing work, but after all, priorities are priorities, so of course, I stopped everything and did the show!

This is just the first in a series of InkShows I planning with this unit, but I wanted to quickly

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